A house built c.1846 and home to an array of distinguished residents.  One of these was the third Baron Aberdare - an army officer, and champion amateur tennis player and cricketer.  During the 1930s and 40s he served on the International Olympic Committee and was a key player in the decision to send British athletes to Hitler's 1936 Olympics.  Commander Allon Bacon moved here in 1949.  During the war he had been a naval intelligence officer at Bletchley Park, where he held various posts, including liaison with the Admiralty.  He was also involved in daring commando raids on German submarines, during one capturing an Enigma and vital documents - George VI called this 'perhaps the most important single event in the whole war at sea'.

Other residents of the street have included numerous artists, the poet Henry Newbolt, a Russian princess, David Lloyd George, Sir Hugh Casson and Dustin Hoffman.