Dating from 1858, this house represents the last hurrah in the building of big private villas around the common before the arrival of today's grids of Victorian and later development.  Members of the Clapham Sect of wealthy evangelicals lived nearby, including William Wilberforce whose house was just behind.

Residents included a banker, a tobacco manufacturer, a theatre proprietor and biscuit manufacturer John Carr, who introduced such now-familiar names as the garibaldi, bourbon and custard cream.  In 1870 his company sent 220 million biscuits to feed the besieged of Paris in a deal brokered by the Rothschild family.  During the early 20th century the house became a private hospital.  Then in the mid-1960s the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes moved in - the club's bar was allegedly visited by local resident Vivienne Westwood.